About Us

Calendar570 is a comprehensive guide to everything happening in Northeast Pennsylvania. From the local music scene in Scranton to the neighborhood festivals in Pottsville and Shamokin to the fairs in Towanda to the arena in Wilkes-Barre, we've got it covered.

If you have an event you'd like published, click here.

If you have a venue you want listed, click here.

This site is published by Times-Shamrock Communications. The content is edited by the staffs of the Scranton Times-Tribune, the Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice, the Hazleton Standard-Speaker, the Pottsville Republican-Herald, and Electric City.

Please send your feedback to calendar@the570.com. Thank you!

Copyright ©2017 Times-Shamrock Communications | 149 Penn Ave. | Scranton, PA 18503 | 1-800-228-4637 ext. 9185

thetimes-tribune.com, citizensvoice.com, standardspeaker.com, republicanherald.com, the570.com, rock107.com, alt921.com

Times Shamrock NEPA
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